Three Altars

The Torah portion of Lech Lecha relates that Avraham built three altars to G-d. Rashi, basing his commentary on the Midrash, explains that Avraham... 

Our Parsha: Lech-Lecha

Text of Parshah (Hebrew with English translation) - Parshas Lech-Lecha. 

The Name of the Parsha

The Rebbe Rashab, Rabbi shalom Dov Ber of Lubavitch, once said: “Bereishis is a uoyous Parsha, even thought its end is not too pleasant. Noach... 

The Weekly Aliyot of the Parsha

A short summary of the Torah portion read in the Synagogue on Shabbat. 

Living With The Times

It was early in the morning of the Shabbos in which the Torah portion of Lech-Lechais read, before the morning prayers, when I entered my father's... 

Insights on the Geula

This week's Torah portion, Lech Lecha, is of general significance to us because it begins the description of the activities of Abraham, the first Jew. 

Moshaich in the Parsha

When the 4 powerful kings took Lot captive, Avraham chased them and waged war against them. On the day that Avraham defeated them, Bera, the King... 

Secret of the Unifying Covenants

In this audio lecture, Rabbi Ginsburgh delves into the two covenants between God and Abraham -- and his descendants. When we apply the inner...  

The Last Word

Bitachon - trust in God - in not an effortless emotion, which leads a person to sit back and wait presumptuously for God's blessings. To the... 

Children's Corner

"Please take out your chumashim," Morah Fine said to her students. The girls had just finished Parshas Noach and were eager to begin of Parshas ...